Volunteers & Professionals

Over the years, the Society for Environmental Education -INTERNATIONAL WAS pleased to work together with dedicated volunteers and professionals from around the world. Without  their contribution, passion and drive for the cause, none of the work could hAVE been accomplished. The Society is grateful for each of the individual’s contribution.

Carol Chan

She has a track record of creating multiple webpages for environmental education in China, and having them all shot down by the Party. Carol grew up in Taipei, enjoyed the freedom of an open society with a democratic election system and free press. After years of ex-patting in Beijing, air pollution and the unwillingness of the government to give back her domains, she decided that enough is enough and moved to the most liberal city in the world; Amsterdam.

Jorrit Garretson

 To the best knowledge of the universe, he is the only cameraman every standing with holed sox on the Kofi Annan’s desk, screwing out light bulbs in the ceiling, arguing that it will make a tremendous difference for the set-up of the interview.  And actually, he was right and got away with it. No one takes longer to set up an interview, no one makes it look more sublime and crisp.


When signing up for a research position at SEE-International, she was not amused when her first assignment took her on a field trip with rain-soaked slippery slopes across a land of a thousand hills. Years of office job haven’t prepared her, but she remained committed , never returned to the construction firm she used to work with. Gisele continued with the Norwegian consulate in Kigali, dealing with sustainable development.

Thomas Bertschi

As a  true cosmopolitan citizen of the earth, he traversed life and this planet on a most individualistic path. He has initiated and curated projects from New York to Kathmandu, from Switzerland to Bali, always committed to revitalize the forgotten spirits of the Dreamseeds.

Etienne Fourie

A Cape Town-based cameraman with a heavy backpack full of lenses and something in stock to improve every shot.  No corner of Africa that he hasn’t been.


 After he pocketed a Bachelor of Arts in Utrecht and  studied Visual Effects at Gnomon School in Hollywood, he co-founded Dontell, a motion design studio based in the Netherlands. He is dedicated to contribute with animations and graphics to communicating the most pressing environmental issues of our time.


With a proven track record of almost a decade in motion and design, he has developed into a true creative visual designer and co-founder of dontell, a not-yet-award-winning motion-design studio based in Amsterdam. Besides art and design, Dave is vastly interested in sustainable living and prefabricated houses, all of which prove to have their statics calculated correctly until today. Keep on building Dave!

Marco Zink

A man with an 8-5 office job and a three room condominium in downtown Cologne, as well as a truck driving license for the  Australian outback.  After working for too long in minerals exploration he had his moment of Satori, realizing that there is a fundamental flaw in how we treat this planet. 

Following the call of the earth’s oceans, he found his mission in helping to protect the planet’s blue, while learning how to walk on waves. 

SAngita Decka

(to be updated soon)


GabRielle Lipton

 A communicator who only ever wanted to write fiction books yet somehow found herself working “real jobs” in climate change and innovation for research institutes and the UN. Nevertheless, she will one day realise her artistic dreams alongside her efforts toward a more sustainable future, as well as open an ice cream shop (the ultimate goal). Stay tuned. 

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ButByen Shebut

(to be updated soon)

Leon AltFeld

(to be updated soon)

David Suzuki

We all hope and pray to the various gods we believe in that David finds his name written on here and sees the noble cause of the mission, becoming our honorable board member. We are grateful for the longest-running TV Series on the environment. The nature of things has never been more clear. 

Marie Stella-Ndjaye

She is the only person on this webpage who ever met Barack Obama and the only one who received the Nelson Mandala Scholarship Award. Besides her impressive career stations, she is the most down-to-earth person and best car driver in congested West African towns.

Marie has no problem asking a cameraman for a fifth take, shall she not be satisfied with take one, two, three or four. She is currently working on ecosystem restoration and migration issues in West Africa.


Years ago he had the idea that the world needs another society, not royal, not exclusive, not meant to promote soccer and founded the Society for Environmental Educations – International. 

Iris Ma

Iris Namaste Ma is a photographer with a keen focus on environmental and humanitarian issues. With ten years of training in classic painting, her instincts for compositions and lights are far beyond average. When not meditating, nor in praying-upward-turtle-pose, or behind a camera, Iris works in talent acquisition management in the technology sector.

Wouter Klöpping

The creator of this spectacular website is Wouter Klöpping. He loves to build all kinds of web-based solutions and also focuses on motion design with his company. He never counted the uncountable hours that went into these pages and we will always be indebted to him.

Felix Wilmsen

Man of the early hour, fossil fuel phase-out fan and award-winning critical geographer, who received the renown Austrian Leopold-Scheidl-Preis for Economic Geographies for his research on de-growth and post-capitalistic societies. Felix is currently teaching at Bremen University and part of the artec-Research Center for Sustainability Studies.

Seifu Gebreslassie

If you ever get lost in Ethiopia by taking the wrong turn or due to cultural barriers, make sure to have Seifu’s number. On countless occasion, he helped wrestle with the complexity of film productions, local chiefdoms and bureaucratic hurdles of Rift-Valley-proportions. Above all, he is a university-trained development expert specialized in ecosystem restoration, currently focusing on the rehabilitation of community lands in the northern part of the country.  He certainly knows more tree species than 99% of humanity.

Carla Soliz

A South American illustrator from Bolivia, hungry for knowledge, travels, and – above all – for anticuchos and vegan burgers. She likes silly jokes, lots of coffee, and illustrating things in green. Carla studied graphic design at UPB and learned from the grant masters of illustration such as Javier Jaén (New York Times) or Amaiia Arrázola during her years in Barcelona.

Currently, she works as a lecturer at the graphic design career center at UNIFRANZ, ready to simplify the complexity of any environmental issue with the help of a few strokes.