Let’s teach!
SEE-International has also developed a curriculum that focuses on higher education at universities, one that combines the lessons of restoration ecology, and modern media, enabling students to effectively communicate about landscape restoration.
The course is composed of individual modules, which can be stretched over the period of one semester or taught in one single block.
It is a unique blend of film-making and ecology, of story-telling and lessons of environmental governance, whereby the camera is employed in various ways to make landscape change visible.
The skills acquired afterward will range from drone-flying to story-boarding, from principles of reforestation to repeat photography, from soil biotics and agroforestry to multimedia communication strategies. Each module can also include the participatory production of a mini-documentary.
Tailor-made solutions are being provided for every client. So far, the course or individual lectures were given on four different continents, including; Bremen University, Germany/ Victoria University, Canada/ Kathmandu University, Nepal / Ngaoundéré University, Cameroon.
Please contact us under: contact@see-international.org
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